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Bathroom Renos ft. the Hub Mirror

Bathroom Renos ft. the Hub Mirror

Paige Schnarr |

Available in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors, our Hub Mirror suits a wide range of decor styles, bringing light to your space with the added durability of a modern, rubber frame.  

Have a beautiful space featuring an Umbra product that you love? We want to see it!

Share your photo on Instagram and use the hashtag #myumbra for a chance to have your photo featured here.





@ashliemieth: "We love the shape of the Hub Rectangle Mirrors and how they modernize the space!" 


Pictured - Hub Rectangle Mirror





@thesprucecollective: "I love this mirror - it’s stunning and such a great price. As a home stager, I’ve used this is so many different homes and rooms. I think I own five of them. They are so versatile and I always get a ton of compliments." 




@simplyoneden: "The Hub Mirror features a very sophisticated look while including a very function forward material. We love the material of the rubber frame. It makes cleaning simple and easy." 



@joyjohnstondesign: "My favorite part about this mirror is its texturized rubber rim, along with the round shape. Round mirrors lend a softer edge to a modern space filled with clean lines." 



@ourfloridanest: "I love the rubber edges and how black they are! The rubber doesn't scratch my walls like some metal materials would and I love the versatility of the different sizes that are offered!"


Pictured - Hub Round Mirror






@arborand.co: "We love this Hub Mirror's unique oval shape and soft rubber frame!"


Pictured - Hub Oval Mirror



Need some more inspiration for updating your bathroom? Check out our countertop accessories for all things soap pumps, tumblers and more.  


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